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Name: Dr. Mary Maina
- Ph.D Business Administration, JKUAT, 2015
- Diploma in Accounting, OXFORD University, 2016
- MBA, Kenyatta University, 2007
- Bachelor of education arts Kenyatta University, 2000
Research Interests
Accounting and Finance
External Links/Affiliations
- Tax Evasion and effective budget implementation. Case of Inland and customs Revenue departments in Somaliland.
- Analysis of Somalil and mobile money service on effective inflation control; Case of Hargesa Foreign exchange market.
- Operating costs and interest rate spread of commercial banks in Kenya
- Can inflation explain interest rate spread of commercial banks in kenya?
- Effect of credit risk management on performance of commercial banks in Kenya.
- Ownership structure and interest rate spread of commercial banks in Kenya
- Business risks and interest rate spread of commercial banks in Kenya.
- Market structure and interest rate spread of commercial banks in Kenya